Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Foreign Window

This one is a deep piece without a doubt, and I have long been intrigued by its power. I later identified certain lyrics with my own experience in a foreign land, "bearing down the suffering road" while climbing the hill from Efrat up to the Yeshivah, in the afternoon sun of the Middle East, laden with items acquired in Jerusalem for the Holy Shabbos, all the while suffering the I-ain't-got-me-no-woman blues; "sleeping on a pallet on the floor" not a bad thing in my perspective; "they were giving you religion, breaking bread and drinking wine" sounds like the rhythm of life, especially with regard to the week, during which Torah was studied for long parts of the day, and Shabbos, when breaking bread and drinking wine are powerful accomplishments worthy of adequate expenditure.
Dig these two classic renditions of this deep song. Both videos are live. In One, George Ivan and Robert Z appear as they looked in 1989 in a land foreign to them both. The video also features an important introduction. The Second is the Man himself in hat and jacket in Amsterdam in 2007. "To the Palace of the Lord"

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